How much content are you publishing? What is the optimum?

To determine how often you need to keep publishing in order to grow your audience, let us have a look at what the numbers tell. In 2013, a new publisher called the Huffington Post began the journey by publishing 1600-2000 blogs post per day. Those are a lot of blog posts! Since the Huffington post millions of viewers, then we must have our answer, more frequent posts equals to more viewers. Or so I thought.

In 2015, an individual blogger by the name Brian Dean swanked about his one million unique visitors in a one year period.

Source: Neil Patel

The shocking fact is that had only published 32 blog posts. I also found it hard to believe till I saw it:

Source: Neil Patel

The question still remains, how much content publishing does it take? The ideal publishing frequency is dependent on several factors.

According to research by HubSpot involving 13,500 companies, the size of the company should help determine its publishing rate. Small companies with less than 11 employees should post approximately 11 blogs per month. Companies with more than 11 employees are also advised to post at least 11 posts per month in order to increase traffic and increase their target audience.

The type of business is also a factor because it affects the type of information conveyed in the published content. The same HubSpot research showed that despite B2B companies being more complex than B2C companies, the effects of posting below 10 blogs per month compared to posting 11 or more times a month  were very noticeable and revealed that even for B2B and B2C companies, 11 is the magic number.

Source: Michael Brenner