Bipolar Disorder Causes, Risk Factors, Complications and Prevention

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that causes emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows.

You may feel sad or hopeless and lose all interest or joy in activities. You may feel happy, full of energy, or extremely angry when your mood changes to mania or hypomania. Sleep, energy, activity, judgment, behavior, and the ability to think clearly can all be affected by mood swings.

Bipolar comes in a variety of types. Mania, hypomania, and depression are examples of Bipolar. Symptoms can cause unstable mood and behavior, causing extreme discomfort and problems in daily life.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder

  • ●     Biological difference

Bipolar disorder patients’ brains look to be changing physically. The importance of these changes is still unknown, but they may eventually help find causes.

  • ●     Genetics

People with a first-degree relative, such as a brother or parent, are more likely to have bipolar disorder. Researchers are looking for genetics that may play a role that causes bipolar disorder.

Risk Factors of Bipolar Disorder

The following factors may affect your chance of developing bipolar illness or act as a cause for your first degree:

  • Bipolar disorder is connected with a first-degree relative, such as a parent or sibling
  • High-stress situations, such as a loved one’s death or another traumatic situation
  • Abuse of drugs or alcohol


There is no specific way to keep bipolar disorder at home. Getting therapy at the first sign of mental health disease can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental disorders from growing.

Treatment of early symptoms will help to prevent episodes from getting worse. It’s likely that you’ve noticed a pattern in your bipolar episodes and what causes them. Visit your doctor directly if you think you’re going through a depressive or manic episode. Ask family members or friends to pay attention to warning signs.